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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Davis, California (Region 218)

News Detail


May, 2024

Register for Fall Soccer

Hey, You!

Registration for Fall 2024 Soccer is now open! Don't miss out on your chance to register. See details below and register by June 20, 2024!


2024 Fall Soccer

The Fall season is team-based and any child of any ability 4 years or older is welcome to participate. AYSO believes in 6 core principles: everyone plays, balanced teams, open registration, positive coaching, good sportsmanship, and player development. We are an all-volunteer organization which means everyone chips in to pull off a spectacular season; the majority of volunteer roles we need parents to take on are team coach and team referee and all training is provided. With enough volunteers, players are placed on a single team for the season where players, parents, and volunteers can form bonds that last for years to come.
Registration dates:
May 1, 2024- June 20, 2024. Registration takes 5-10 minutes and can be started by clicking "register now" below or on our website
Season dates: Most teams will start practice the week of 8/26 and end in November. View specifics here.
Divisions are organized by age and gender:
Go here to learn about the different divisions. We have playing options for 4-18-year-olds of any ability. If you are 18+ and interested in playing AYSO adult soccer go here.
Co-ed Schoolyard - $100
6U-12U divisions - $200
14U-19U divisions - $250
A $25 non-refundable National Player Fee will be added to your Fall registration. This fee will not need to be paid again if the player plays in AYSO Alliance or Spring soccer.

Cost includes picture day package, uniforms, team equipment, 8-10 weeks of games, field rental, player insurance, and other regional fees.

Financial aid is available for all players in need. If you require financial assistance, please check the box on page 2 of the registration process and proceed to the checkout screen. If additional assistance is needed, stop at the checkout screen and fill out this form and wait for instructions via email with a coupon code for the registration fee.

Refunds: 100% of regional registration fees before August 5, 50% between 8/6-8/26, 0% after 8/26.

To request a refund please go here. The $25 national player fee and $2.75 SportsConnect fee, if applicable to you, are non-refundable. 

Frequently Asked Questions:
View FAQs here.  

If you have questions or run into issues please email [email protected].
SchoolYard - Co-Ed for 2020 Birth Years
SchoolYard is an introductory program with 1 week day meeting per week and no Saturday game day
Division Price: $100.00 - ends on 6/20/2024 at 12:00 AM.
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Programming for 2019- 2017 Birth Years:
4v4 soccer with all games in Davis parks.
Games: September 7 - October 26.
1 practice and 1 game per week. Practices will start the week of 8/25 when DJUSD is back in session!
2019 Boys - 06U Boys
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2019 Girls - 06U Girls
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2018 Boys - 07U Boys
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2018 Girls - 07U Girls
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2017 Boys 08U Boys
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2017 Girls - 08U Girls
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Programming for 2015-2016 Birth Years:
7v7 soccer with games mostly in local parks but possibly 1 game in Winters, Antelope, or Capay Valley. 
League games: September 7 - October 26.
Practices will start the week of 8/25 when DJUSD is back in session!

There is a season-ending jamboree that takes place throughout the day on November 2.
2015/2016 Boys - 
10U Boys
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2015/2016 Girls - 
10U Girls
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Programming for 2014-2013 Birth Years:
9v9 soccer with games mostly in local parks but possibly games in Winters, Antelope, or Capay Valley. 
League games: September 7 - October 26.
Practices will start the week of 8/25 when DJUSD is back in session!

There is a season tournament that takes place November 2/3 and 9/10. Teams that qualify may play November 16 and be invited to other AYSO tournament play throughout Northern CA.
2014/2013 Boys - 
12U Boys
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2014/2013 Girls - 
12U Girls
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 Programming for 2012-2006 Birth Years:
11v11 soccer with 50% of games in Davis, 50% within 30-45 minutes
League games: August 17 - October 26.
Teams may start practice as soon as August 1 if you are in town.

To see examples of last year's schedule please go here. Teams will participate in the NorCal Premier Super Rec League.

A season ending tournament takes place November 2/3.
2012/2011 Boys
14U Boys
Register Now
2012/2011 Girls
14U Girls
Register Now
2010/2009 Boys 16U Boys
Fall 2023 16UB Team
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Our Fall 2023 16UB team is pictured
2010/2009 Girls 16U GirlsFall 2023 16UG Team
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Our Fall 2023 16UG team is pictured
2008-2006 Boys 19U Boys
Register Now
2008-2006 Girls 19U Girls
We are registering for a 19U Girls team but may not have enough players to safely form a team. If this is the case the girls and boys will be divided on Co-ed teams that compete in a boys league. An update will be sent in mid-July. 
Register Now
Adult Soccer 18+
AYSO Adult soccer registration will open in May. Learn more here. Registration takes place at
If you have any questions or need more info,
please email us at [email protected]            
Looking forward to a great season!

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Davis AYSO, California Region 218

P.O. Box 1602 
Davis, California 95617

Email Us: [email protected]
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